Big River Marketing and Communications


Offering a range of servcies to build capacity and enhance communications


Does your business, community group, or not-for-profit organization need help with a grant application? Would you like to hire a professional to do it for you? Big River has years of successful grant writing experience to help you get the job done.

Consultation and research

Grant writing

Review and editing of written grants applications

Grant writing workshops and training

Strategic Planning

Creating a vision, mission, or strategic plan requires the engagement of a larger audience to bring out the very best ideas. Big River will ensure that every participant is given the opportunity to provide meaningful input to the planning process.

Identification of current position and what is important moving forward

Defining goals and what needs to be achieved.

Determine accountabilities and timelines

Group facilitation

Community Relations

Building a positive working relationship with neighbours, nearby communities, regional businesses and other stakeholders is critical to delivering services and messages in an efficient and effective manner. Big River will help your organization develop a strategy to enhance existing relationships and engage new partners.

Partnership identification

Collaborative relationship development

Strategic event planning

Government relations

Corporate Communications

The strength of communications with internal audiences and external clients is pivotal to your success. Big River is experienced in preparing corporate documents that inform your stakeholders and meet regulatory requirements.

Communication audits

Annual reports

Strategic plans

Crisis communications

Brand Development

Your brand is your story. A strong and effective brand is your story told the way you want it to be told. Big River will help you develop or reinforce your brand to do just that.

Brand analysis and strategy

Brand development and management

Identity guidelines for visual and written materials

Media Relations and Reputation Management

An effective relationship with local, regional, and national media and a strategic social media presence are key to growing and managing your image with target audiences. Does the story in your local newspaper enhance your position in the community. Does your presence on social media support or detract from the work that you are trying to do? Let Big River put a plan in place to optimize your position with traditional and social media.

Media release creation, template preparation, and distribution strategies

Social media development

Campaigns, fact sheets, press conferences


Building effective relationships with clients and other target audiences is the substance of any good marketing plan. Big River will work with your organization to increase your market reach, impact, and ensure that your message or product is presented in the best possible way.

Goal and target preparation

Audience and message segmentation

Advertising and message development

Establishment of key performance indicators


An occasion to make a presentation to community stakeholders or your peers is an important mechanism to reinforce your brand and build relationships. Big River will ensure that you make the most of this opportunity by preparing the tools you need, whether it be helping to prepare speaking notes, writing a speech or developing audio/visual supports.

Preparation and consulation

Speech writing – delivering the message and telling your story

PowerPoint development to support your message

Staging and event production

Brad Hestbak

Principal Consultant

Brad Hestbak is a fundraiser, grant writer, marketing consultant, and strategic communications advisor.  He has been instrumental in leading brand development, partnerships, and corporate communications for large and small organizations, raising more than $15 million to facilitate education and business development and workforce support. He is passionate about living in the north and making a difference in rural communities.

Working with Rural Communities and Organizations

Big River specializes in working with government, business, industry, not-for-profits, post-secondary institutions and Indigenous communities. We are aware of political sensitivity, the importance of social and economic sustainability, and the complexity of doing business in rural Canada.